About Me

This is a small effort from the students of English, Chittagong University, to launch an interactive virtual cafe for the faculty and students of the Department. This blog will host study materials, links, papers, academic discussions and other intellectual exchanges. We would also like to include book and film reviews. This is only a beginning, but we hope it to be an ongoing and ever-expanding project. But surely we would never like to see this site to be a source of plagiarism and thus to be branded sponsors of academic dishonesty. We dream of developing it as a great seed store of ideas you could draw on to enrich your own original thoughts. We hope they will spark off your imagination, and eventually make a thoughtful person of you. Our aim is to make you learn to think and be yourself. We really do not mean it to be an alternative to the tommyrot from the bazaar that you guzzle and gobble to pass the examination.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Help! Support!! Service!!!

Coming soon.

Hopefully you will get the fullest support from 1st January 2009.